About Me

I'm attending Citrus College to get my associate degree in computer science and journalism before transferring to a 4-year university.

I'm currently the editor-in-chief of Citrus' student newspaper the Clarion and the 2024-25 student president of JACC.

Some of my work

Union Understanding: Citrus’ reserve fund remains point of contention

A point of contention in the negotiations for a new California School Employees Association agreement has been Citrus’ reserve fund.

The California Community College Chancellor’s Office said a reserve is funds a college sets aside for “an unanticipated decline in revenue or an increase in expenditures.”

Cathy Day, a classified employee who has been working at Citrus for the past 24 years, said in an interview with the Clarion she didn’t understand how Citrus’ reserve fund could stay so large w

Union Understanding: Staff union reaches tentative agreement with District

After months of contention, the California School Employees Association and the Citrus district reached a tentative agreement on a new contract on May 6.

The California School Employees Association is the union that represents Citrus’ classified employees. Classified employees are those working at Citrus who do not fall under the category of either faculty, like professors, or administration.

During the Board of Trustees meeting on March 19, two of Citrus’ classified employees spoke about thei

Video: Associated Students of Citrus College 2024 Candidates’ Forum

The Associated Students of Citrus College Candidates’ Forum took place at 11:30 a.m. on April 24 in the Campus Center Mall of Citrus College.

Eden Yang, one of the two candidates for vice president, spoke as well as three of the five candidates for student trustee, Jonathan Johnson, Hina Furuyama and Samuel Castillo.

ASCC advisor Rosario Garcia (right) asked the 2024 candidates a set of 13 questions for those in the audience.

1. Please share your name, major, the position you are running for,

New order set for Measure Y bond projects

The projects set to be funded by the $298 million Measure Y bond make little progress since the measure’s approval in November 2020.

The first building currently planned for construction on Citrus College’s campus is the new STEM building.

“There is no timeline for construction yet as no contract has been issued for design/construction,” Fred Diamond, director of facilities and construction facilities, maintenance, construction, said in an email.

“All the administrative procedures must be fin

The challenge to take a pause

Pizzagate was a QAnon conspiracy theory that rose in online popularity during the 2016 election. The theory led to threats to harm and kill those viewed as enemies and prompted a gunman to storm into a pizza parlor in Washington, D.C.

Elizabeth Cook, an instructional design librarian at Citrus College’s Hayden Memorial Library, recalls this as one of her pivotal moments in observing the rampant spread of misinformation and disinformation in America.

Cook taught fake news seminars at the librar

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